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Chin Augmentation

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Chin Augmentation

At Wave Plastic Surgery

Chin Augmentation in Los Angeles, Orange County and San Francisco

Having facial features that are proportionate and well balanced has long been considered a hallmark of beauty. Chin augmentation surgery, or genioplasty, uses a customized chin implant to strengthen a weak or recessed chin which subsequently enhances the contours of the jaw, neck, and balances the overall facial profile.

In addition, a weak chin can often make the nose appear larger and out of proportion with the rest of the face. In many cases, a rhinoplasty or facelift is performed in combination with chin augmentation to bring balance and achieve ideal facial proportions.

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Everything You Need to Know about Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that alters the underlying structure of the chin. It often involves the use of chin implants or fillers, or even the manipulation of the jawbone, to resize or reshape the chin and achieve a more balanced facial appearance.

This procedure addresses issues such as an excessively recessed chin and sagging around the chin and jawline. In addition to facial rejuvenation, chin augmentation creates a more defined chin that brings symmetry and harmony to the entire face and enhances the patient’s facial profile.

Who is a Good Candidate for Chin Augmentation?

The ideal chin is thought to be one that extends to or slightly behind a vertical line dropped from the forward most point of the lower lip on profile view. A chin that falls behind the vertical line is considered weak or recessed and can be improved with augmentation.

Good candidates for Chin Augmentation Surgery are people looking to:

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Give us a call today to schedule a consultation with one of the plastic surgery experts at Wave Plastic Surgery to learn more about the procedure and the thread face lift cost.

Chin Augmentation Surgery

The Procedure

Chin implant surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia with IV sedation. A synthetic silicone implant is carefully sculpted and individualized to fit your chin precisely. The implant can be placed through a small incision inside the mouth or through the skin hidden under the chin depending on the size of the implant and if any other adjunctive procedures are performed.

Through the incision, a small pocket is created beneath the muscle over the bone of the chin. The implant is then carefully inserted in the pocket and secured. At Wave Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons use special advanced techniques to ensure that the implant enhances the chin perfectly so that the results appear natural and seamless. Tiny sutures are used to close the incision which heals extremely well.

See more on our Before & After gallery!

The Results

The results of chin augmentation can be seen immediately and will continue to improve as swelling resolves over time. Having an augmented chin can greatly enhance your profile and bring an overall sense of balance of the face.

The Recovery

After chin implant surgery, some swelling and bruising and mild discomfort will occur during the first week. Gentle cool compresses and special tape placed over the chin will help minimize the swelling. Depending on the type of incision used, intraoral sutures are dissolvable and do not need to be removed whereas external skin sutures will be removed in one week. Patients should maintain a soft diet for about 7-10 days.

Get Your Consultation Today

Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with one of our plastic surgeons at Wave Plastic Surgery.

Our Chin Augmentation Specialist

Plastic Surgeon Peter Lee

Peter Lee

M.D., F.A.C.S.

Dr. Peter is CEO and Chief Surgeon of WAVE Plastic Surgery Center with over 20 years of plastic surgery experience, overlooking 30K+ successful plastic surgery cases. He has mentored master surgeons around the world in state-of-the-art techniques, and has been inducted into the RealSelf 100 & 500 Hall of Fame.

His many accolades and first hand results are evidence of Peter’s expertise.

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Medically Reviewed By Dr. Peter Lee

M.D., F.A.C.S.

Drawing patients from around the world, he is both an innovator and a thought leader who has advanced the discipline of plastic surgery through his lifelong commitment to excellence and education.

Learn More About Dr. Peter Lee