New Painless Ultherapy Available at Wave Los Angeles!

Ultherapy is a revolutionary noninvasive treatment that tightens the deeper layers of the skin as well as the SMAS, the layer of fibrous tissue that covers the facial musculature.  It does this by focusing ultrasound energy on these tissues, causing them to tighten and lift, at the same time that the fibroblasts within the skin are stimulated to secrete more collagen, the protein that gives skin its support and elasticity.

However, the transmission of this energy to the skin and soft tissues causes them to heat up, and this can cause discomfort for some patients while they are undergoing Ultherapy treatment. We have found that patients’ pain tolerance can vary widely. For some patients, the procedure is easily tolerated after taking 800mg of ibuprofen. For most of our patients, the application of a topical anesthetic cream for 20-30 minutes before the Ultherapy procedure is sufficient to allow patients to tolerate the procedure quite comfortably.

Other patients require a higher level of pain control for Ultherapy. For these patients, we offer intravenous pain medications that can make them a bit sleepy, and also reduces the level of discomfort during the procedure. Patients have their vital signs continuously monitored by a nurse while the procedure is being performed if they choose this option.

Finally, for those patients who have a low pain threshold, or a great deal of apprehension about the degree of pain that they anticipate may be associated with Ultherapy, we offer the option of receiving a deep intravenous sedation in an operating room setting under the care of an anesthesiologist while the Ultherapy treatment is being performed. This also has the advantage of removing almost all memory of the procedure afterward.

This menu of options allows us to tailor the level of analgesia and anesthesia to the individual needs of each patient, and, in so doing, open up the procedure to any patient who might have hesitated to enjoy the benefits of this powerful noninvasive facial aesthetic treatment because of a fear of the discomfort that might be associated with it.  Welcome to the new era of painless Ultherapy at Wave Plastic Surgery Center!

If you are interested in any of our painless Ultherapy options, make sure to mention to this during your consultation or when you call to make your next Ultherapy appointment.


New Painless Ultherapy Available at Wave Los Angeles! Wave plastic Surgery Ultherapy1 New Painless Ultherapy Available at Wave Los Angeles! Wave plastic Surgery Ultherapy2 New Painless Ultherapy Available at Wave Los Angeles! Wave plastic Surgery Ultherapy3

Picture of Ben Lee

Ben Lee

Dr. Lee received his bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology with highest honors from the University of Colorado in Boulder. He went on to earn his M.D. with highest honors from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, followed by his MBA from the University of Colorado Denver. He completed his surgical internship at the University of California at San Francisco. Going on to train in otolaryngology/head & neck surgery at Duke University Medical Center, working closely with the plastic surgeons during his head and neck residency inspired him to continue training in plastic and reconstructive surgery. After this specialized training, Dr. Lee went on to become Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.

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With a wide range of breast, body, and face procedures, our goal at Wave Plastic Surgery is to allow for all of our patients to achieve their ideal appearance, no matter their age or ethnicity. Our doctors all have extensive experience working with patients of all different backgrounds and have developed expertise in Asian plastic surgery procedures such as eyelid and nose surgery. We work with all sorts of men and women—both local to the Los Angeles area and from far out of town—to help find the right procedure to help them reach their goals.

Wave Plastic Surgery offers an inclusive menu of non-surgical treatment options that will cover all types of anti-aging and skin concerns from wrinkles, sagging skin, hair loss, women’s health, poor skin texture, large pores, skin discoloration, Rosacea, acne, scars, volume loss, and aging hands, neck and chest.