Advances in technology are now able to provide women with proven, non-surgical solutions for vaginal rejuvenation.

While there are many different kinds of treatments, one of the most popular procedures is called Votiva.

Votiva is a safe and effective treatment used for:

 Why Women Like Votiva

One of the most common reasons for women to seek out treatment like Votiva is because of urinary incontinence. Women experience urinary incontinence after childbirth, from intense athletics, or simply as they age.

Votiva is a proven solution for urinary incontinence but women have also found that it comes with some additional benefits too. Thus, as urinary incontinence is treated so are vaginal laxity and dryness which yields improved sexual intercourse too.

How it Works

Using the power of bipolar radiofrequency energy, Votiva gently delivers heat deep into the layers of the skin either internally or externally on the vagina.

The heat delivered via radiofrequency helps boost collagen production and blood flow to the treatment area. This means that results continue to improve over time.

What is the treatment like?

Treatment typically takes about 30 minutes, and while each woman is a little different, most experience little to no discomfort. Women who get Votiva usually describe feeling a little bit of pressure or warmth. However, if patients are more sensitive WAVE does have options for minimizing discomfort like numbing cream.

Votiva is a non-surgical treatment which means there isn’t any downtime or scarring. Although it is recommended that patients abstain from intercourse for a few days, they can still go about their lives without any interruption. Patients like the ease and safety of Votiva and find that it is one of the best treatments for vaginal rejuvenation.

Most women see the best results after about 3 Votiva treatments. WAVE advises that patients typically wait about 30 days in between treatments. To ensure patients get the most out of Votiva after their initial experience, we recommend that they return yearly if not sooner.

Because of the way Votiva works to boost collagen production and blood flow to the treatment areas, results are seen gradually, and they improve over time.

Is Votiva right for you?

If you are interested in getting Votiva, we recommend that you call (888) 674-3001 and schedule a consultation with one of our experts. They can best assess if Votiva is right for you and answer any questions you may have.

About WAVE

For nearly two decades WAVE has helped patients just like you awaken their inner beauty. Our expert staff will ensure you have an amazing experience from start to finish. Your care and safety are always our highest priority.