Upper Blepharoplasty Aftercare – How To Take Care of Your Eyes Post-Op!

Jinny Breaks It Down For You

Whether you’ve recently undergone an upper blepharoplasty or are contemplating the upper eye lid surgery recovery process, it’s crucial to understand the upper blepharoplasty aftercare involved. In this informative video, our Wave Consultant, Jinny, shares her expertise on the subject. She provides six simple tips to ensure the best eyelid surgery recovery outcomes. These tips are not just helpful but essential for anyone looking to achieve optimal healing after their upper blepharoplasty.

1. Use Ice Packs Provided By WAVE

These ice packs are uniquely designed to conform to the contours of your eyes, playing a vital role in your upper blepharoplasty aftercare. For effective eyelid surgery recovery, it’s recommended to apply these ice packs for a minimum of 20 minutes every hour during the first week post-surgery to minimize discomfort. This consistent application is a key element in reducing swelling and bruising and also promotes healing in the upper eyelid.

2. Rest & Watch Your Food Intake

Limiting physical activity is a significant aspect of eyelid surgery recovery tips. The less you strain yourself, the better your recovery will be. Adequate sleep is a cornerstone of successful upper blepharoplasty aftercare. Additionally, watching your diet, particularly reducing salt and spicy foods, can greatly improve your recovery journey.

3. Limit Your TV, Computer & Devices

Reducing eye strain is crucial in upper eyelid surgery recovery. The less strain you put on your eyes, the better it is for your overall healing and to reduce swelling. This is a vital eyelid surgery recovery tip that should not be overlooked, especially in the first few days after surgery.

4. Don’t Wear Contacts For 1 Week

To promote healing during your upper blepharoplasty aftercare, it’s advised to avoid touching your eyes, which includes refraining from wearing contact lenses for at least a week post-surgery. This precaution is essential for a smooth eyelid surgery recovery.

5. No Makeup For 2 Weeks / No Eyeshadow For 1 Month!

It’s recommended to wait up to two weeks before using eyeliner after undergoing this cosmetic surgery. However, it’s crucial to wait a full month before applying products like eyeshadow to avoid trapping particles in the incisions.

6. Use Scar Gel Provided By Wave After 2 Week Mark

A pivotal aspect of upper blepharoplasty aftercare is the application of medical-grade silicone scar gel, such as Silagen or SkinMedica, provided by Wave. Starting this regimen two weeks post-surgery and applying it twice daily is an essential step in your recovery and is an excellent way to avoid scarring.

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Picture of Denise Wong

Denise Wong

Dr. Wong is double-board certified in Facial Plastic Surgery, by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and by the American Board of Otolaryngology — Head and Neck Surgery. An expert in the field, she has given multiple lectures, authored several publications, and actively teaches at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Wong’s professionalism, sincere compassion for others, and enthusiasm for educating her patients create the highest quality of patient care.

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