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Happy young adult woman touching her face with hand on cheek after facial harmony surgery on beige studio background.

Find Your Perfect Balance: Expert Facial Harmony Solutions

Ever notice how some faces just seem perfectly balanced? That’s facial harmony in action—when your nose, chin, and cheeks are proportioned and complementary. Facial harmony enhances your natural beauty without drawing attention to any one feature. At Wave Plastic Surgery, we understand how crucial this balance is. Our team of


7 Common Plastic Surgery Myths You Should Stop Believing

There’s often a stigma attached to plastic surgery that stems from preconceived notions. These views often lead to the belief that it promotes vanity and perfectionism and is reserved for the wealthy.  Although far from the truth, these are only a few of many plastic surgery myths. They perpetuate the

The benefits of plastic surgery during the lockdown

Benefits of Plastic Surgery During the Lockdown

For the last 5 years in the United States, plastic surgery has been on the rise. With the onset of Covid-19, the pandemic that has uprooted all of our lives, we see even more of a plastic surgery boom. Even though plastic surgery is becoming increasingly common, some patients still

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Featured Patient: AJ Gibson

SKIN IS MORE THAN SURFACE AJ Gibson came into Wave Plastic Surgery last month to address several issues with his face. During his consultation at Wave, AJ appeared to have amazing-looking skin on camera and in person. Despite this, we wanted to look deeper and tackle more of what’s underneath

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Wave Answers Your Top 10 Ultherapy Questions

Here at Wave Plastic Surgery, we do an enormous amount of Ultherapy treatments per day! We got together with the Ultherapy company themselves to gather some answers to common questions we get asked every day in Los Angeles! 1. WHAT IS ULTHERAPY? Ultherapy is the ONLY non-invasive procedure FDA cleared

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How Kyle Got Natural-Looking Plump Lips

Kyle wanted to have his lips shaped similarly to another guy he saw online. After bringing in an example for us to see, we were able to bring his ideal lips closer to reality. Restylane Silk was used to accomplish this naturally plump look! See what Kyle did at Wave

Lizbet Before and After from Wave - Wave Blog Banner

Lizbeth Gets Rid Of Her Smile Lines!

Lizbeth is a young woman who didn’t have any deep wrinkles, but just wanted to address her nasal labial folds (smile lines) and smoothen them out. She used Restylane Defyne to do just that. See this quick treatment done + results at the end of the video! Want To See

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Wave Is A CoolSculpting Diamond Level Practice

Did You Know? Did you know that all Wave Plastic Surgery locations in Los Angeles are certified “Diamond Level” CoolSculpting practices? What Does That Mean And Why Does It Matter? Diamond Level Status for Coolsculpting in Los Angeles is a big deal. Why is it important? It means that Wave

Contact the Wave Plastic Surgery for more information about our Valmont Products or to schedule a complimentary skin assessment. Call Us at 888-674-3001 or Get A Consulatation below:
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