Facelift without surgery

Can You Get a Facelift Without Surgery?

Looking for the anti-aging results of a facelift but nervous about the trouble of going through surgery? There are plenty of cosmetic procedures to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, or other signs of aging. And not all these procedures require incisions.

In fact, did you know that you can undergo a facelift without surgery? Non-surgical facelifts have become more and popular for men and women trying to revitalize their faces naturally.

Interested? Keep reading to learn more about how to get a facelift without surgery.

The Traditional Facelift 

During a traditional facelift, incisions are made on either side of the face from the temples. The incision comes around the front of the ears ending behind the ears near the base of the scalp. Another incision can be made under the chin for neck lifting. 

For years, this surgery was the only way to lift the skin and remove sagging skin. But not anymore! Below is a list of 9 of the best non-surgical facelift treatments for a youthful appearance.

1. Brow Lift

An injection of cosmetic filler can give the same lifting effect as the traditional facelift procedure but without any incisions. The filler acts as a plumping agent to raise your brows. 

Some fillers require repeat injections every few months, but others have longer-lasting effects. Fillers that contain collagen-stimulating solutions work by helping your skin create more natural collagen. Collagen is responsible for keeping skin firm and smooth.

Ultherapy machine

2. Ultherapy

Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology. Using concentrated ultrasound energy, Ultherapy reduces unwanted lines and wrinkles. It can increase the body’s production of collagen while restoring skin to a natural, healthy-looking appearance. Ultherapy can lift and tighten the skin including around the neck.

In only an hour you can see the results for yourself. When used with fillers and a skincare regimen, Ultherapy is even more effective! Ultherapy can be expensive but it’s far less than the budget for facelifts.

3. Botox

Much like the technology behind the brow lift, Botox is a proven solution to reduce unwanted lines and wrinkles in the face. If you have crow’s feet, forehead creases, or frown lines, you might want to consider scheduling a consult for Botox.

Botox works by relaxing muscles in your face that tend to tense up over time. It requires injections but hardly any recovery time at all, meaning minimal downtime for you. Botox may work for several months before additional injections are needed.

Be sure to follow your cosmetic surgeon’s guidelines before and after Botox treatment. Following those instructions will lead to the best possible results from your Botox. The proven results from Botox make it one of the most effective non-surgical facelifts.

Forma Plus Machine


Have you heard of FORMA? It’s a skin elasticity treatment. Over time our skin becomes less firm and tight causing it to look tired or saggy. With FORMA treatment you can reverse those effects almost immediately. 

FORMA uses radiofrequency to improve skin tightness. It can be used for the face or other areas of the body. FORMA is used as a non-surgical facelift technique for people that want better skin contour immediately without having to rest before resuming activity.

5. Kybella

If you are insecure about the appearance of your neck you might be a good candidate for Kybella. Kybella is a non-surgical procedure to reduce the appearance of fat around the neck and jaw area.

Kybella is an injection. Treatment requires several visits over a three to a four-month period of time. The treatments are fairly quick but they sometimes result in pain or swelling to the injection area. 

While Kybella requires more than one treatment session, the results of this non-surgical neck lift are astounding. See for yourself!

6. Sculptra

Sculptra is another injectible alternative to a facelift. It’s used to treat deep lines and creases in the skin. It often results in a more youthful appearance of the face.

Sculptra was approved by the FDA in 2009. It is a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of aging. As with many other procedures, Sculptra can have side effects at the injection site. Talk to your cosmetic surgeon about potential side effects if you are concerned.

Can You Get a Facelift Without Surgery? microneedling pen

7. Microneedling

Don’t worry – it’s not as scary as it sounds. Microneedling is a procedure using small needles to stick the surface of the face. By doing this, collagen can regenerate. The skin becomes smoother and firmer than before.

Microneedling can treat facial scars, wrinkles, or oversized pores. It is minimally invasive and considered a safe skin rejuvenation practice. The treatment may require several visits for the best results. 

8. Chemical Peel

A chemical peel can help improve skin texture and appearance. Chemical peels offer a short-term solution if you have uneven color or texture on your facial skin. It may not have the same dramatic effects as fillers or a facelift but this skin resurfacing treatment can provide a younger, fresher look. 

A chemical peel works by removing layers of dry, damaged skin to reveal the healthy skin underneath. The procedure is usually short but it may require some rest time afterward. Dermatologists or other skincare professionals can do a chemical peel.

Chemical peels are not considered a long-term solution to aging skin but they can create a temporary healthy glow.

Can You Get a Facelift Without Surgery? Picosure

9. Lasers

Yep, lasers. They’re not just for science fiction movies anymore. Lasers can reach below the surface of the skin to help the body produce more collagen. 

The lasers heat the collagen which causes it to expand and tighten the skin. This skin tightening treatment can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Some people choose to use laser treatment along with fillers to produce better results.

Ready to Try a Facelift Without Surgery?

Everyone gets older – but you don’t have to look like it. With the options above, you can experience all the benefits of a facelift without surgery. 

Consult with a medical professional before undergoing any type of treatment to ensure that it is safe for you. Ask questions about the treatment so that you know what to expect and can be prepared.

Ready to schedule a consultation with a professional? Act now and start reversing the signs of aging.

Check out our

Non-Surgical Before and After Gallery!

Filler and Facetite Before and After
Picture of Ben Lee

Ben Lee

Dr. Lee received his bachelor’s degree in molecular and cellular biology with highest honors from the University of Colorado in Boulder. He went on to earn his M.D. with highest honors from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver, followed by his MBA from the University of Colorado Denver. He completed his surgical internship at the University of California at San Francisco. Going on to train in otolaryngology/head & neck surgery at Duke University Medical Center, working closely with the plastic surgeons during his head and neck residency inspired him to continue training in plastic and reconstructive surgery. After this specialized training, Dr. Lee went on to become Board Certified in Plastic Surgery.

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With a wide range of breast, body, and face procedures, our goal at Wave Plastic Surgery is to allow for all of our patients to achieve their ideal appearance, no matter their age or ethnicity. Our doctors all have extensive experience working with patients of all different backgrounds and have developed expertise in Asian plastic surgery procedures such as eyelid and nose surgery. We work with all sorts of men and women—both local to the Los Angeles area and from far out of town—to help find the right procedure to help them reach their goals.

Wave Plastic Surgery offers an inclusive menu of non-surgical treatment options that will cover all types of anti-aging and skin concerns from wrinkles, sagging skin, hair loss, women’s health, poor skin texture, large pores, skin discoloration, Rosacea, acne, scars, volume loss, and aging hands, neck and chest.